Digital Klaver
Eitt digital fyri umleið Kr. 10-12.000 klaver frá okkum, er í dag á sama kvalitetstøði sum eitt vanligt akkustiskt klaver fyri Kr.25-30.000, sum vanliga er upp til 112 cm í hædd, og tí hava vit ikki hesi minnu akkustisku klaveruni á lagri.
Vit lagurføra Roland, Casio. (Casio er ikki býligt plastiskt) og Nord.
Tað verða nú fýra merkir roknaði sum bestu digitalu heimaklaver og eru tey, Roland, Casio, Kawai og Yamaha.
Nord ger ikki stovuklaver, men bert “stage” klaver.
Tey seinastu modellini hjá Casio enda flest øll við ..70, td. 870 osv. og eru tey nógv, nógv betri enn tey undanfarnu modellini. Eisini hevur Casio modellir sum eru gjørd í samarbeiði við tað heimskendu Týsku flygil verksmiðjuna Bechstein.
Hettar sigur til dønis Tim Praskins, sum er ein óheftur undirvísari og spælari. ” UPDATED REVIEW: February 1, 2017 – Yamaha, Roland, Kawai, Casio, Suzuki, Korg, etc…which one is best and which one should you buy?! Hello to everyone shopping for a digital piano. My name is Tim Praskins and I am a digital piano expert and have been teaching & playing on them for over 40 years. Of all the digital pianos out there under $1000 ( ì USA og Kanada er ongantíð MVG íroknað prísirnar) I would say overall my favorite cabinet piano under $1000US right now is the Casio Privia PX860. Of the four brands mentioned in the lower price range here, I believe Casio overall offers a noticeably better piano playing key action experience than Yamaha or Korg”
by Dale Gardner. Posted on 2016-03-30 17:56:45
Casio and Bechstein – two of the most well known names in music, have collaborated to create a product that looks set to revolutionise the world of digital pianos. The Casio Grand Hybrid Celviano series, made in very close collaboration with Bechstein comprises of three models; the GP300, the new GP400, and the flagship GP500. Casio have been at the forefront of music technology for the last 35 years and even developed the first ever electronic keyboard. Bechstein on the other hand, have a rich history, steeped in tradition spanning more than 150 years. The marriage of these two companies has resulted in a digital piano that embraces the classic traditions, sophistication, and sounds of days gone by whilst taking advantage of all the modern practicalities of a digital instrument. The Casio Grand Hybrid boasts many features seen on a Bechstein grand piano, to make this a truly unique and even futuristic digital piano that will please both contemporary and traditional players alike.